Godʼs Love

  • matt.goodnewsofgod@gmail.com
  • Facebook: goodnewsofgod
  • X: goodnewsofgod1


I also enjoy and recommend the websites of several other pastors, along with many of their books & commentaries that I personally own, along with podcasts & YouTube videos that I follow. I do not receive any compensation for sharing these with you; they are simply trusted men of faith whom I deeply respect and admire. Their websites offer a wealth of valuable resources that I believe can greatly benefit you as well.

*John MacArthur: www.gracetoyou.org

*David Jeremiah: www.turningpoint.org

*Chip Ingram: www.livingontheedge.org


www.answersingeneses.org & www.arkencounter.com (Creation museum & life-size ark regarding Genesis chapters 1-11)

About Me….

Hello, my name is Matt. I am not a pastor or a counselor. I’m an ordinary guy balancing family life did have a full-time job until I was recently laid off. While looking for full time work, I have more time to write & study. I am active in my church and play piano. I am pursuing a Master’s Degree in Theology and Biblical Studies and will see what doors God will open for me with this degree. I also volunteer for a non-profit after school organization called Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) sharing God’s word to elementary students. Writing and researching are passions of mine, along with studying the Word of God. I truly believe that trusting in God can transform your life in powerful ways. Life brings challenges, heartaches, and struggles for all of us—including me—but I’ve seen firsthand how God’s goodness can help us through any situation.

My goal with this site is to share verses from the history of the Bible that God wrote, insights, and encouragement that remind you of God’s love. My goal is to research many aspects of the Bible, even tough and difficult topics, and to share the Gospel of Jesus. I am not attempting to add to the Bible, for two key reasons: first, it is not scriptural (as stated in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18-19), and second, there is nothing I could say that holds the same weight or authority as God’s own words. My goal is to set aside personal opinions and focus on explaining and teaching the message of the Bible as it is. The power of the GOOD NEWS in the Bible is too great to keep to ourselves, and I want to share it with everyone.

I built this site & I’m always adding new content. Although I’m not the most tech-savvy person, (if something doesn’t work, bear with me & please email me), I’m committed to growing this site. I’d love to hear from you—whether you have questions, thoughts, or specific topics you’d like to see explored. Let’s dive into the Bible together and discover how depending on God can bring peace, joy, purpose, and transformation to your everyday life.

Get in Touch!

My email address is matt.goodnewsofgod.com I’d love to hear from you! Reach out and share your thoughts, questions, or prayer requests. Letʼs grow in faith together!