All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16
As newborn babes desire (crave) milk of the word, that you may grow. 1 Peter 2:2 (meaning we don’t live on milk as babies forever… as we grow, we desire for nourishment leading to greater maturity in faith). It’s sad when Christians don’t grow. They may go to church & half-listen to the sermon, but don’t read the Word to grow & may not even have a true relationship with God. The Word is the source of growth! The devil is like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8) & we need to know how to defend ourselves by being in God’s Work; because if we are not in God’s Word, life will be harder than it already is. Acts 17:11 states to research the Scriptures daily!
I’d like to offer some suggestions on how I approach reading the Bible and other resources. First, I love to read & I make it a priority in my life. Many people often say they don’t have time to read the Bible, yet they spend hours on their phones, playing video games, or watching TV. The truth is, we all have time; it’s about making choices that align with what’s truly important. Spending time in God’s Word is never a waste of time. We speak to God in prayer & God speaks to us through His Word. This is a powerful way to strengthen our faith, Reading the Bible is an honor and privilege that we should never take for granted. Christians should desire & hunger to study God’s Word daily! (Acts 17:11). The purpose of studying the Bible… is to know God….to really, really know God & have a relationship with Him. To do that, you need to study His Word.
- My favorite Bible is the John MacArthur Study Bible. I like the New King James Version as well as the New American Standard Bible. (There are different versions on my Bible app on my phone I like too). There is a reading plan from the Old Testament and New Testament that I follow each day. You can also find one year Bibles too.
- I also own a book titled The Focus Life, organized by David Jeremiah. While some people find the book of Psalm intimidating due to its 150 chapters, this guide offers a daily reading plan to make it more manageable. By reading five chapters from Psalm and one chapter from Proverbs each day, you can complete both books every month—something I personally do. Psalm helps you stay connected to God, with its powerful expressions of emotion. The psalmists’ cries for help is some as today with our own struggles, from fear and anxiety to stress & more. Proverbs, on the other hand, offers wisdom, providing guidance on handling life’s challenges, dealing with people, and wisdom for all situations. Together, these books provide a rich source of spiritual strength and practical advice for daily living
- I also own other study Bibles: David Jeremiah Study Bible, Charles Spurgeon Study Bible, & The Evidence Study Bible . All have different types of information to understand the text better. One thing I have tried to do in 2024, (which can be hard) is if you read three chapters a day from the New Testament, you can read through the N.T. three times a year. I would like to read through the N.T. with my different study Bibles. When I do this, I usually read. What I mean is, when I do my daily reading plan, or am studying/researching a certain topic, that is when I study word-by-word, verse-by-verse.
- Since I have a deep love for reading, I own several books by John MacArthur and David Jeremiah. I aim to read at least two books a month, with a particular focus on commentaries by John MacArthur, especially those related to the New Testament. Recently, I listened to one of MacArthur’s podcasts on How to Study the Bible, & he shared an idea that I am going through. He suggested that you can thoroughly grasp the New Testament in three years. For instance, the Gospel of John has 21 chapters. In the first month, you read the first 7 chapters a day; in the second month, you read the next 7 chapters; and in the third month, you finish the last 7 chapters. (You can also read these chapters in different Bible versions). Afterward, you move on to a shorter book like 1 John, which has only 4 chapters—reading all 4 chapters in one month. I incorporate this into my daily reading plan, and it helps me memorize and retain key passages from each book.
- In addition to this, I enjoy reading MacArthur’s commentaries. I’m gradually collecting each one & as I read through a New Testament book, I also read his corresponding commentary to gain deeper insights. Some books take me longer to study, such as Romans, which has so much rich information & writing style by Paul. I’m also working on a detailed study of Revelation, which I plan to share in my “Topics” section. I spent about four months or more thoroughly studying the book of Revelation.
Since I have a deep love for reading, I own several books by John MacArthur and David Jeremiah. I aim to read at least two books a month, with a particular focus on commentaries by John MacArthur, especially those related to the New Testament. Recently, I listened to one of MacArthur’s podcasts on Bible study, and he shared an idea that I’ve adopted. He suggested that you can thoroughly grasp the New Testament in three years. For instance, the Gospel of John has 21 chapters. In the first month, you read 7 chapters a day; in the second month, you read the next 7 chapters; and in the third month, you finish the last 7 chapters. You can also read these chapters in different Bible versions. Afterward, you move on to a shorter book like 1 John, which has only 4 chapters—reading all 4 chapters in one month. I incorporate this into my daily reading plan, and it helps me memorize and retain key passages from each book.
In addition to this, I enjoy reading MacArthur’s commentaries. I’m gradually collecting each one and, as I read through a New Testament book, I also read his corresponding commentary to gain deeper insights. Some books take me longer to study, such as Romans, which presented some challenges. I’m also working on a detailed study of Revelation, which I plan to share in my “Topics” section. I spent about 4 to 6 months thoroughly studying the book of Revelation.
Most importantly, take your time when reading the Bible. It is not a race. It’s easy to read a chapter and your mind wonders & you don’t understand what you read. Take your time… Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day. Even though I love to read, there are days when I only manage a few minutes of reading. I sometimes struggle with the Old Testament. Remember, Satan is constantly at work—bombarding us with distractions like TV, social media, and the challenges of life. If we’re not actively feeding our minds with God’s Word, attending church, and surrounding ourselves with fellow believers, Satan will fill it with fear, stress, lies, etc., & we will face even more difficulty than we already do. Satan is at work 24 hours a day as he hates God and His children. We can’t just spend 10 minutes a day or less and think we will be fine.
I mentioned that I love to read because, unlike many, I don’t watch much TV. Some people come home from work and unwind by watching TV all night. For me, I prefer to spend a couple of hours reading instead. I have my hobbies too and I play baseball with son & go to his games. I coached his games for 8 years but always found time to be in God’s Word. I often wake up early, before anyone else, and spend time reading and praying. I like to begin my day by praying and reading through Psalm and Proverbs. During lunch, I catch up on my Old and New Testament readings, and in the evening, I read from my current books. The key is consistency—sticking to the plan and making it a habit.
There are also times when God speaks to me through a particular passage. I might see it in a new way, or at times, I might not understand it fully and spend an hour researching to grasp its meaning. I love reading, writing, and digging deeper into things. On some days, I might focus on just one chapter because I’ve spent so much time studying it. That’s how we grow in God’s Word—by allowing it to speak to us and by seeking to grow more in Him each day, praying for wisdom, guidance, and understanding as we read.
I highlight my Bible and take notes because I love to write. Since the God’s Word is sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12), I want to share what I learn with the world through my blog.